How to Maintain Your Earthmoving Equipment


With the expansion of the world, you need to have better roads and overall great connectivity.  To do so, you need to make way for the roads and other constructions to take place safely and effectively. This is where earthmoving services and machinery come to play. These heavy-duty machineries are the first preference of every civil engineer who wishes to get their project completed within the stipulated time, if not earlier. But what exactly is the earthmover and how does it benefit you, read on to find out.

What is this earthmoving equipment?

The need for better roads, better facilities and better apartments require you to empty the land you have purchased and then build on it. You need to level or dig up the plot to have the foundation and the base strongly embedded in the earth.  To do so you need to move a good deal of earth. And, without proper earthmoving equipment, you will spend days excavating with manual labourers.  There is not just one kind of machinery used in the process of earthmoving.  Based on the need, you can look for,

  • Tractors for construction
  • Loaders, and
  • Excavators

While some job requires the use of all the above, most earthmoving jobs make use of the skid loader or excavators.  These machines work more efficiently and quickly as compared to manual excavation. However, timely maintenance is required for them to work efficiently. You might also need parts like kubota b7100 hydraulic pump which you can order online. In a world where time is everything, the more you save on time the better your project becomes. Hence, the need to maintain these  machineries becomes of great importance. Big Dams, roads, schools, bridges or any mining-related projects are part of infrastructure development projects. Usually, the delays occur due to the inefficient and ineffective maintenance procedures of the heavy earth moving equipment’s. Read on to find out how to keep your earthmoving equipment in the best working conditions.

4 tips for maintaining the earthmoving equipment

Just like any other machinery, the earthmoving equipment requires good care so that its longevity and functionality remains intact. It will not do your business any good if your machine stops working in the middle of the work and without proper care, you will end up having destroyed equipment which will require unplanned investment in its repairs or replacement. These 4 basic and simple tips will make sure your earthmoving equipment doesn’t cause you extra dollars:

  • Lubrication – being a machine with many parts, you need to make sure that each joint of the earthmoving machine is properly lubricated. This will prevent rusting and tearing of the parts due to constant friction. It will also be beneficial if you lubricate the machine joints and parts with quality lubricants which will increase the efficiency of the machine. Lubrication specifically recommended by the manufacturer. By using the wrong type of lubricants can damage the machinery.
  • Cleaning the machine – being a machine required for moving earth and dirt, the earthmover deals with tiny and loose dirt particles and a few escaping the through and entering the machine joints is not unheard of. If you do not perform routine cleaning of the machine then these particles will cause the internal wear and tear and often the external body too gets corroded. Cleaning will make sure these complications are avoided. The earth-moving machine is fitted with special seals and filters designed to keep dirt and grime out of sensitive areas. Sheltering the machinery in a shed or a garage will further prevent rust, grime build-up, and problems.
  • Routine maintenance –to save on big bucks, you need to invest in proper maintenance of the machine. That includes servicing and parts checks. You need to check the seals, the amount of lubricant present, refuelling is required or not and make notes on parts that might need replacements. Fix any issue as soon as it is found to prevent losses in future.
  • Keep an eye on usage and stress – being in constant use, the earthmoving equipment experiences the most wear and tears. The ones that have used most must be thoroughly checked, preferably daily, to prevent malfunctioning on-site.

The correct usage improves the life span of earthmoving equipment

While regular checkups will improve the lifespan, you need to have well-trained machine handlers so that your work progresses smoothly and the machine is used properly. You can always hire trained operators or train people on the correct usage of the earthmoving equipment. This on the job learning will also help you determine the skills of your workers while ensuring the work is done correctly.