Here’s A List of Documents You Need To Have In Your Car At All Times


Breaking the road rules when driving can see a motorist face some heavy penalties as well as the possibility of meeting with an accident. Yet, did you know that you may also get fined for heading out on the road without proper documentation kept in your vehicle? If a policeman asks you to pull over for a routine inspection, he may request you to produce certain car papers. Not having these at hand can lead to you being levied a fine even if you were driving properly. To help you avoid running into such a situation, here is a list of documents that you necessarily need to keep in your car at all times.

  • Driving licence

The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 has made it mandatory for every motorist to have a valid driving licence. When you first apply for your driving licence, you receive a learner’s licence. On clearing the driving test by the RTO, you get issued a driving licence that marks you as fit to drive on the road. Ensure that this licence is on you at all times while driving as it also doubles up as an important identity proof.

  • Vehicle registration certificate

When you purchase a vehicle, you need to apply for a registration certificate at the RTO. This application has to be made within seven days of purchase. Once you get the registration certificate, do keep a copy of it in your vehicle at all times. This registration helps to prove that the vehicle is recorded in a national registry of vehicles maintained by the government.

  • Insurance policy copy

The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 has made it mandatory for every vehicle to have at least a basic third-party car insurance policy. Many vehicle owners go beyond this basic requirement and sign up for comprehensive car insurance plans. Whichever type of insurance plan you opt for, make sure to keep a copy of the policy in your vehicle at all times in case you need to show it to the police. Also, if you are involved in a mishap, it helps to have your car insurance policy details ready at hand.

  • PUC certificate

PUC stands for ‘pollution under control.’ It is a document that proves that your vehicle has passed an emission test. There are many authorized PUC testing points located conveniently across your city. Be sure to get your PUC certificate reissued regularly to avoid incurring a hefty penalty. Plus, you will also be doing a small part in helping the environment.

Do note that this list of documents is only applicable for private vehicles. A commercial vehicle may need additional documents such as necessary permits. Be sure to keep original documentation or even attested copies in the glove compartment handy for when required. Finally, ensure that you maintain legal compliance with the law that requires all motorists to have basic car insurance in place. We do hope this article will prove helpful to you. Do drive safely!