5 Rewarding Ways to Recruit Promising Technical Writers


Communicating complex information and breaking it into easy, understandable and well-decoded languages is an art only a proficient technical writer can master.  The writers must get the hang of writing with profound knowledge of using the right technical jargons and other industry insights.

However, there is a bigger challenging in this context. Guess what? Recruiting the ablest technical writers for the job! The process isn’t as easy as hiring a marketing management writer to offer assignment help online.

In technical writing, the hiring managers cannot just approve of the job application by reviewing the candidate’s subject knowledge.  Technical writing is way different from marketing management assignment help projects or any other form of assignment writing. Technical writers always need to walk that extra mile and invest time in researching and creating information via a myriad of delivery media. Mere subject knowledge isn’t helpful in this context.

Thus, roping in the best technical writer can prove to be a convoluted process if you are not aware of the right expertise to analyse. So, how about reading this insightful blog? It contains the five sure-fire ways to appointing the best technical writers to the job.

Here you go!

  1. Evaluate the quality of writing 

First things first, you need to evaluate the quality of content delivered by the potential candidate. For example, if you are hiring a technical writer for engineering projects, then it would be best to rope in someone from the same academic background. But that’s not where your quest ends.

In case, the person lacks creativity and fails to explain complex technical information in a readable format, then you would simply end up wasting your time and money.

So, take note of the following suggestions to pick the ablest writer for this position.

  • Ask the person to decode complex data and other technical elements in a perfectly readable manner.
  • See if the writer is able to break the monotony of using too many technical jargons. It is important for the person to bring his/her writing expertise to the table.
  • Assign him/her topics related to database, computer science, web-based products and the likes.
  • These are the areas that require an individual to lay focus on implementing technical knowledge and recreating formally inserted information with creative additions.
  1. Invest in experienced technical writers 

I am afraid this particular section might spark controversies in terms of ignoring the existence of fresh talents. But, to be very honest, in technical academic writing, experience matters at the end of the day. If you are an entrepreneur or a recruiting manager, then you have no choice other than running the show despite all odds.

Web content writing is always a safer choice for a newbie aspiring to get the hang of writing jobs. On the other hand, in technical writing, the experience is said to be the only way to hone the craft of it.

So, abide by the following suggestions and hire diligent, experienced technical writers for your project.

  • Check and confirm whether the person has at least 5 years of writing experience in core domains such as system on-chip design, space solar power and bio-chip.
  • Review his/her CV closely and evaluate the candidate’s role in the previous organisation.
  • Also, consider their past accolades and professional achievements.
  • Ask the writer if he/she has ever enrolled for any professional certification in technical writing in the past.
  1. Organise stringent copy test for the writers 

No matter what the writer boasts in his/her CV, you should leave no stone unturned to review their truest credibility in the domain of writing. For this, you must arrange for a copy test and assign critical, industry-specific topics. This will help you to gauge their extent of learning and knowledge retention power.

Well, here are some technical topic suggestions you may like to consider for the next recruitment drive.

  • Decode the functionalities of Bluetooth based smart sensor networks
  • Analyse the role of agent-oriented programming with real-life examples
  • The presence and significance of Animatronics in today’s world
  • Major breakthroughs in the domain of future satellite communications
  • Analysis of the functionality of 3D image technique and multimedia application
  • Merging virtual reality with artificial intelligence. Scopes and developments in this field
  • The impact of environment parameter in a green house
  • Big data visualisation and future scopes in this particular domain
  • Analysing relay performance testing with high technology and other advancements
  • Decoding the methodology of dust collection and scrubbing tech
  1. Evaluate other pre-requisite skills 

There’s more to explore and evaluate than what you have done so far in this blog. Your hunt for the best technical writer will only be successful if you are able to analyse each of these additional skills among the prospective candidates.

  • Make sure the technical writer is able to listen and discern what you want to put across.
  • A technical writer must present himself/herself professionally with a clear demonstration of his/her ability to deliver projects according to the proposed deadline.
  • Also, take care of the aspect of grammar skills among technical writers. They must be able to produce grammatically flawless copies.
  • It is equally important for you to review and deduce that the writer is aware of the criticalities of plagiarism.
  • Ask him/her whether they have used automated plagiarism tools to keep content duplicity at bay. If not, then arrange for an immediate training session and intimate them with all the necessary technicalities.
  1. Lastly, offer a fair industry rate 

According to reports, the average salary drawn by a technical writer is approximately £ 2,665 per month. Good writers know their worth and the package they would settle for. In writing, every single word counts. So, you have to careful in terms of setting the price per word and the net salary the writers will be drawing at the end of the month.

Remember, the salary you would offer should be in sync with the quality delivered by the writer. An experienced writer won’t settle for less. Rather it would be unethical on your part to force him/her to negotiate and settle for a lesser amount.

It is absolutely important for you to offer a fair industry rate before appointing the person at work. Here are some helpful strategies you should implement to set your budget and offer fair packages to the writers.

  • Create a detailed salary structure based on the budget you can afford.
  • Look at factors such as job requirements, size of your company, geographical location and pay standards in the technical writing industry.
  • Be rational in your approach. If you are hiring a writer with 5 years of experience, then you cannot expect to offer entry-level wages.
  • Also, consider other factors such as loyalty bonus, medical facilities, provident fund and other monetary expenses that you wish to include in your budget.

Key Takeaways

I hope this blog will open up insightful avenues and help you to determine and patronise the right talent in the domain of technical writing. Here’s a summarised version of all the key pointers we have discussed so far.

  • Analyse the quality of writing in terms of creativity and readability.
  • Invest your time and money in experienced technical writers.
  • Conduct strict copy test sessions for the applicants.
  • Make sure the writer understands order requirements and knows how to deliver projects on time.
  • Offer a fair industry rate only after a thorough analysis of every relevant, external factor.

Author Bio: Michael Rhodes is an experienced computer science assignment writer associated with the digital assignment help platform MyAssignmenthelp.co.uk. Apart from that, he is a freelance software developer, coming all the way from Glasgow, the United Kingdom.